580 Pitch Competition
Changing People's Lives by Creating a Culture of Entrepreneurship
This competition is for early-stage businesses looking to start, grow or diversify. Entrepreneurs can connect to mentors and other cohort members while gaining access to knowledge and resources.
The 580 Pitch Competition provides a platform for entrepreneurs in Southwest Oklahoma to share their business ideas with a panel of judges and compete for prize money. Entrepreneurs will receive assistance with developing their business plan and creating a pitch to business experts.
There is a $50 fee to enter this competition.
Benefits and Incentives
~ Assistance with developing their business plan and creating a pitch to business experts
~ A chance to win cash to take their business to the next level.
~ Must have an LLC, C-Corp, S-Corp or other registered entity with the State of Oklahoma less than 5 years
~ Must be 21 years or older
~ Must currently have a physical product or service that is available to sell
~ Lifetime gross revenue of $5,000 to $75,000
~ Must be in compliance with all federal laws
~ Must be located in Comanche County
~Prior finalists are ineligible to compete
How to Participate
~ Applications will be accepted until May 31
(there is a $50 fee to enter)
~ Business Plans must be submitted by June 21
~ Semi-finalist named July 2
~ PITCH Bootcamp on July 11
~ PITCH Competition LIVE on July 25
Partners and Sponsors
Support is needed at multiple giving levels.
Competition Schedule
April 15 – Application opens
May 31 – Application Deadline
May 1 - June 20 FREE Business Plan Coaching Available
June 21 Business Plans Due
July 2 Business Plan Winners Announced
July 11 Pitch Boot Camp (full day)
July 25 Live Pitch Competition
Rules and Regulations
List of Partners and Sponsors
Thank you to our sponsors!!!! We appreciate you partnering with us to build the next generation of innovators.
Learn more about how to support the 580 Pitch Competition here.