Great Plains Technology Center

Combination Collision Repair Technician Cost Sheet


Class Meets: Monday - Friday Instructor: Anthony Josey
Class Time: 8:00 am to 3:00 pm 1000 hours - 9 months

Students will learn how to complete non-structural collision repair and automotive refinishing. Courses include non-structural damage analysis and minor dent repair, plastics repair, and all aspects of painting and refinishing. Students will also learn how to use various tools and to remove and install handles, moldings, trim, and bolted body parts. In addition, the student will learn to MIG weld industry-standard joints following I-CAR standards. This program also includes painting preparation, sanding processes, color matching and adjusting color, removing and installing glass, and the process of written estimates. Students will learn about hazardous materials and selecting proper personal protective equipment and maintenance. The hours completed in this program are aligned with ASE/NATEF standards. ASE certification is recommended and industry-recognized.

Tuition .................

1st Semester ................. $1,275.00  
2nd Semester ................. $1,275.00  


Costs are approximate and subject to change. The Combination Collision Repair fee includes additional costs of required materials, such as books and technology, as well as certification tests.    
ASE Student Certification ................. $40.00  
Curriculum ................. $120.00  
Safety Curriculum ................. $25.00  
Technology Fee ................. $100.00  

Misc. Expenses .................

These are additional costs, and are not charged against Pell, Post 911 and/or some funding agencies. These are considered out of pocket expenses.    
Uniform $45.00  
Respirator (2) $60.00  
Replacement Safety Classes $10.00  
Student Organization Fee (Skills USA) $10.00  
Misc. Supplies, notebooks, etc  $10.00  

Total Cost For Program



Tuition and fees or documentation from your funding agency are due by the first day of class each semester. Students who are enrolled in a program for more than 10 scheduled school days will be responsible for the full semester’s tuition and fees, regardless of enrollment or funding status. Out-of-district adult students will pay in-district tuition plus $1000 for an “out-of-district” fee.

Please contact GPTC before issuing a payment for student's tuition and fees.
Students using Veterans Education benefits under Chapter 33 (Post 9-11) or Chapter 31 (V R&E) must turn in a copy of their Certificate of Eligibility (COE) prior to beginning their program. Students will be allowed to start the class without payment if the COE is on file with the Financial Aid Coordinator. The Financial Aid Coordinator will verify with the Cashier that the student has provided proof of the Education Benefits.
Cost of Attendance: $18,500
Cost based on Consumer Price Index as of December 2023. The standard allowance breaks down the expense categories as follows: Food 19%, Transportation 13%, Commodities 21%, Housing 41%, and Miscellaneous 6%.

Program Cost Sheets